I stress the importance of developing self-regulated learning in my legal education books. If you can teach students how to learn on their own, they will become life-long learners. Susan Tanner and Roderick have come up with an incredible idea…
University of Miami School of Law
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Professional Identity Formation and the NextGen Bar Open Opportunities for Law Student and Law School Success by Neil W. Hamilton
Professor Neil W. Hamilton has written an important new article on professional identity formation and the NextGen Bar. Professional Identity Formation and the NextGen Bar Open Opportunities for Law Student and Law School Success. Abstract All law faculty, staff, and…
20 principles from psychology for teaching and learning of students
Here is a helpful list of psychological principles for teaching and learning: Principle 1. Students’ beliefs or perceptions about intelligence and ability affect their cognitive functioning and learning. Principle 2. What students already know affects their learning. Principle 3. Students’…
Improving First-Year Doctrinal Classes
While legal scholars have written a great deal on improving legal education by adding experiential classes to the second and third years of law school, it is equally as important that law professors make changes in how they teach first-year…
An Easy Way to Comply with ABA Standard 208
On February 5, 2024, the ABA’s House of Delegates adopted Standard 208, which requires that law schools adopt, publish, and adhere to academic freedom and free expression policies, afford due process to those accused of violating academic freedom policies, and…
New Law Teaching Journal: The Journal of Law Teaching and Learning
The Institute for Law Teaching and Learning has begun publishing a journal on legal education: The Journal Of Law Teaching and Learning. “The Journal is a peer-edited publication dedicated to high-quality articles designed to enhance law teaching. The Journal has…
Torts Exercises for Law Students
A Companion to Torts: Learning to Think Like a Torts Lawyer by Doing Exercises by E. Scott Fruehwald. This book takes a revolutionary approach to learning torts law: its goal is to teach law students to think like torts lawyers….
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Metacognitive Skills, Performance in a Bar Prep Course and Bar Passage
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Metacognitive Skills, Performance in a Bar Prep Course and Bar Passage by Jennifer A. Gundlach & Jessica R. Santangelo. Abstract This article builds on our prior research about metacognition and its importance for…
Raising the Bar: The NextGen Bar Exam and Contract Drafting by Karen J. Sneddon & Susan Chesler
The NextGen Bar Exam will require law schools to teach students differently throughout the curriculum. This article discusses the NextGen Bar and contract drafting: Raising the Bar: The NextGen Bar Exam and Contract Drafting by Karen J. Sneddon & Susan…
New Book: Brain Science for Lawyers, Judges, and Policymakers
Here is an important new book on the use of brain science in the law: Brain Science for Lawyers, Judges, and Policymakers by Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, Francis X. Shen, Morris B. Hoffman, Anthony D. Wagner. Brain science…