The DJ has Glenn Danas, Ashley Boulton, and Katelyn Leeviraphan’s article  Raising the bar: The strategic value of a plaintiff-side appellate practice, highlighting “some of the areas where appellate counsel can offer support both on appeal and beyond,” e.g., pre-trial and trial work, writ practice, discretionary petitions, publication/depub requests, and amicus briefs. The article begins:

The private appellate bar has historically been comprised of big law firms focused on representing deep-pocketed corporate defendants. In recent years, however, plaintiff-side appellate practices have begun to spring up.

And the article ends:

As plaintiff-side appellate practitioners, we have seen firsthand the value of a plaintiff-side appellate practice. Others are similarly taking note, with practices like ours developing in both firm and boutique settings. Perhaps that should not be surprising, as empirical data suggests that access to appellate representation often determines who wins and who loses. But perhaps more importantly, the use of appellate attorneys, particularly on the plaintiff side, will result in more effective case presentations and better-informed decisions, which will benefit all parties, the courts, and the public.

7th Circuit  Judge Joel M. Flaum Receives 2024 Devitt Award — For 40 years, the Devitt Award has honored an Article III judge who has had a distinguished career and made significant contributions to the administration of justice, the advancement of the rule of law, and the improvement of society as a whole.

The Cal Supreme Court Historical Society has posted its Fall/Winter ’24 issue of the California Supreme Court Historical Society Review, available on the Society’s website: