After a delicious lunch, the 2017 Summit will kick off with a keynote by George Mateyo, chief investment officer at Key Private Bank, titled “What to Expect When You’re Investing.” Mateyo will probe into the risks and rewards of investing in family business, providing essential information for anyone involved in this type of business.
Afterward, an Advisors Roundtable will feature a 360-degree view of key issues facing FCHB’s, and how owners can benefit from a team approach to ensure the best outcomes. The panel will be comprised of:
- Hal Snow, an owner at Garvey Schubert Barer and a member of the Family and Closely Held Business Practice Group;
- Rod Bench, a principal at Pillar International Insurance Investors;
- Francis Brown, a wealth specialist and senior vice president at Key Private Bank,
- Cameron Hewes, the managing director of mergers and acquisitions at BMO Markets;
- David Stiefel, a managing principal and director of family business services at Bader Martin PS;
The second keynote, “Successful Successions,” will be given by Jim Warjone, who led the Seattle-based Port Blakely Companies from 1980 as president, and later as CEO and chairman, until 2014 when he retired. Jim is well-versed in family company succession strategies, as well as family governance systems and their implementation.
Finally, the Summit will reconvene for its executive panel on family business. With constructive and dynamic advice, the panelists will share their deep understanding of topical issues resulting from owning, running and transitioning a family-owned or closely held business. Panelists include: Shaiza Damji, Managing Director of 360 Hotel Group and Foss Miller, founder of Pacific Research Labs dba Sawbones.
The Summit will conclude with networking and cocktails.
The Summit will be full of collaborative conversation that is essential to those trying to better understand the complex topics of family-owned and closely held businesses. Dive into learning about the inevitable challenges that arise throughout the process of owning one of these businesses, and solutions to those problems from the Summit’s team of renown experts.
We look forward to seeing you there!
– Garvey Schubert Barer, Bader Martin, BMO Capital Markets, Pillar International Insurance Advisors and Key Private Bank