Chatting with Alejandra Figueiras, the co-founder and CEO of The Future Lawyer, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: You are starting, The Future Lawyer. What is it?
Alejandra Figueiras: Well, what I want
Legal Geek 2018
Noah Waisberg, Co-Founder and CEO of Kira Systems, on His Belief That “If We Built it, They Would Come”
Chatting with Noah Waisberg, the co-founder of Kira Systems, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: I’m talking with Noah Waisberg, founder of Kira Systems. Co-founder or founder?
Noah Waisberg: Co-founder.
Kevin O’Keefe: Okay. What…
Alma Asay, Founder of Allegory Law and CIO of Integreon, on Learning to Accept that “Mistakes Are A Good Thing”
Talking with Alma Asay, the founder of Allegory Law and the CIO of Integreon, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: I’m at the Legal Geeks conference. Who am I talking with?
Alma Asay: Alma…
Catherine Krow, Founder and CEO of Digitory Legal: “Starting Your Own Company is Not for the Faint of Heart”
Talking with Catherine Krow, the CEO and founder of Digitory Legal, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: I’m here at Legal Geek and I’m talking with Catherine Krow of Digitory Legal. What is…
Casey Kuhlman, CEO of Monax, on His Incredible Journey to Founding a Legal Tech Startup
Talking with Casey Kuhlman, the CEO of Monax, an agreement management platform, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: I’m here with Casey Kuhlman. You’re the founder of– what’s the name of the company?
Garth Watson, Co-Founder of Libryo, on the Exhilaration of Launching a Legal Tech Startup
Talking with Garth Watson, the co-founder of Libryo, an online legal compliance software, at the 2018 Legal Geek Conference.
Kevin O’Keefe: You’re the founder of Libryo. What is Libryo?
Garth Watson: Libryo is an…
Legal Tech Founders Series headed to Legal Geek in London
It’s been a busy past few months for LexBlog’s Legal Tech Founders Series.
Since LexBlog began this journey back at ILTACON, we’ve interviewed many founders throughout the legal technology industry, diving deep into the personal stories. We’re looking forward to…
London interns or law clerks: Want to join us at #LegalGeek tomorrow?
Are you a London-based intern or law clerk who is interested in attending the Legal Geek Conference tomorrow – all for free? LexBlog CEO Kevin O’Keefe is in need of someone to assist with conducting LexBlog’s Legal Tech Founders Series…
Keith Lee, Founder of LawyerSmack, on the Value of Building Community in the Legal Industry
Speaking with Keith Lee, founder of LawyerSmack, a private online community for lawyers, at Clio Cloud Conference 2018.
Kevin O’Keefe: Who am I talking with?
Keith Lee: I am Keith Lee
Kevin O’Keefe: As far as we…