This fall I attended both Relativity Fest in Chicago, IL and the Everlaw Summit in San Francisco, CA. Like many of you, at Proteus, we’ve been discussing the topic of Generative AI, so it was no surprise that it
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Navigating Construction Litigation: eDiscovery for Data Management & Cost Efficiency
Litigation is a relatively common occurrence in the construction industry. Whether it’s related to disputes, delays, or mishaps, legal battles are an evergreen concern. And one significant challenge associated with construction litigation is the volume of data involved – specifically,…
Intelligent Insourcing: Balancing Speed, Cost, and Complexity
Law firms are increasingly recognizing the value of building in-house eDiscovery intelligence. By creating internal teams or departments capable of processing and culling data, running searches, and producing documents, law firms can build a profit center and improve cost-recovery…
A Lawyer's Look at Auditing eDiscovery Vendors
When preparing the often-vast amounts of ESI for litigation, utilizing technology can be essential. And legal teams have two options for support: in-house or outsourcing to a vendor partner. Oftentimes when technology is needed, the only real answer is…
Building an In-House eDiscovery Practice at Your Law Firm
eDiscovery continues to shape the landscape of litigation strategy and many law firms are looking into ways to create an internal eDiscovery practice – one that might help them gain a competitive advantage, while streamlining the litigation process. I recently…
Understanding eDiscovery Line Items
eDiscovery costs represent a substantial portion of litigation and investigation case budgets, often compounded by the unpredictable nature of data volumes and the varying pricing models offered by software and service providers. We recognize the need for clarity in this…
The Sunk Cost of eDiscovery (and How Corporate Legal Teams Can Avoid It)
Two CEOs Discuss eDiscovery and a Recent Acquisition
In light of Proteus Discovery Group’s recent acquisition of Novitas Data, we’ve brought together Ray Biederman, Co-Founder and CEO of Proteus, and Rob Oliver, Co-Founder and former CEO of Novitas (and current Vice President at Proteus) to chat…
Expanding Proteus Discovery Group with the Acquisition of Novitas Data
I’m excited to share some significant news with our clients, partners, and eDiscovery friends: Proteus Discovery Group has officially acquired Novitas Data. It’s an important step for us, doubling our size and greatly enhancing our ability to provide top-tier…
“Alternative” Legal Service Providers
“We’re not trying to replace anybody,” Jon Mattingly told the Indiana Lawyer back in 2015. At the time, he and three other litigators had recently left an AmLaw 100 firm to launch two ventures: an Indianapolis-based litigation boutique and an…