It’s simple. You get referrals by giving referrals. Send clients or customers to your business clients and contacts and they’ll do the same for you.
I’m sure you do this when the opportunity presents itself and you “think about it”.
Marketing for Lawyers Who Hate Marketing: How to Build a Successful Law Practice Without Networking, Blogging, Facebook or Twitter
It’s simple. You get referrals by giving referrals. Send clients or customers to your business clients and contacts and they’ll do the same for you.
I’m sure you do this when the opportunity presents itself and you “think about it”.…
Most of what we do we do out of habit. We do the same things, the same way, and rarely think about it.
We evaluate cases the same way we always have. We use the same process to decide to…
The top lawyers are different. Not necessarily smarter or more accomplished, they do things differently.
The key is their mindset about serving their clients better than any other lawyer could or would, and the reputation they develop as a result.…
If you’re like me (and I’m sure you are), the writing is easy. The hard part is figuring out what to write about.
What do your readers want to know? What do they need to hear? What will they find…
You know a lot of people who could hire you (or hire you again), share your content, or send you referrals. You have their email address and would like to stay in touch with them, but you don’t want to…
Marketing experts advise you to tell your prospective client, reader or listener, what to do.
Tell them to call and ask for an appointment. Tell them to click, download, read, or watch, tell them to sign up, and you should.…
Q: “Is there anything I can do to bring in more business that doesn’t require a lot of time or money or to doing things I don’t want to do?”
A: “Yes—Stay in touch with people who already know, like,…
We have a service contract for our heating and air conditioning appliances. The service people are competent, friendly (and clean), their fees are reasonable, and we continue to renew our contract, but if a better option came along, we’re open…
The world is awash in ads that sell products or services in 30 to 60 seconds.
Why can’t you do the same?
Why can’t you explain what you do and why someone should hire you in just one minute? In…
A brochure looks nice. Just like having a nice office, nice furniture, and a nice suit.
At a glance, a prospective client or fellow professional can see you are no slouch. You’re successful.
You need a brochure, right?
It can’t…