The courtroom setting is unfamiliar to most prospective
jurors as they sit with a group of strangers and are grilled by counsel during
voir dire. In addition, potential jurors may respond differently depending on
whether they want to be
A Winning Tip
A Winning Tip is jointly written by Dr. Noelle Nelson and Diane Rumbaugh. Dr. Nelson is a clinical psychologist, author, and consultant. Ms. Rumbaugh is a PR consultant and author. Together they provide helpful advice on trial proceedings.
A Winning Tip Blogs
Latest from A Winning Tip
Classic Juror Misunderstandings
The brilliant cartoonist, Wiley Miller (“Non
Sequitur”), captured the misunderstandings between men and women as few
others have. For example, the wife says: “Let’s go shopping.” The husband
hears: “Let’s go drain the life force from your…