In Atchison v Holloway & Anor; Holloway & Anor v Atchison [2024] NSWSC 1523, Two sets of legal proceedings are currently before the Court. The first involves a claim by Noelene Joan Holloway (Defendant in Possession Proceedings; Plaintiff in Family
Disclaimer of Interest and Administration of Estate
Disclaimer of Gifts or Entitlements
Beneficiaries are not obligated to accept a gift under a will or an entitlement arising from intestacy. A beneficiary may disclaim a gift or entitlement, which can be made verbally, in writing, or through conduct. …
Freezing orders & TFM claims
Freezing orders, often referred to as asset preservation or Mareva orders, are issued by the Supreme Court to safeguard an individual’s assets. A freezing order prevents the hiding, transferring, or spending of assets believed to have been obtained unlawfully (directly…
Family Provision– The plaintiff & deceased divorced in 1992
In New South Wales, an applicant for a family provision order must first establish they are an “eligible person.” s57(d) of the Succession Act 2006 (NSW) provides that a “former spouse” is an eligible person and, in certain circumstances, may…
Judicial advice as to the construction of the Will and the Codicil
In the Australian Capital Territory, s11A of the Wills Act 1968 allows a document that reflects the deceased’s testamentary intentions to be recognised as a Will, even if it wdoesn’t meet formal execution requirements if the Supreme Court finds intent.…
Misconception that the revocation of a later Will revives an earlier Will.
In Queensland, s13 of the Succession Act 1981 describes how a testator may revoke a previously executed will. A testator can revoke a Will by drafting a new Will, signing a document that indicates a desire to revoke the Will…
Injunction to restrain solicitor
The Court’s jurisdiction to grant an injunction preventing a solicitor from acting is based on safeguarding the legal practitioner’s duties to the Court. As explained by Heenan J in Holborow v Macdonald Rudder [2002] WASC 265, A lawyer may…
Appeal dismissed with costs
Kavanagh v Londy [2024] QCA 140 (Davis J, Bond JA, and Mitchell AJA concurring) concerning Mary Kavanagh (the deceased), who was 100 years old at the time of her death, childless and lacking any immediate relatives to claim her $2…
Will does not give effect to testator’s instructions or intentions due to clerical error
Re Estate of Luttrell [2024] VSC 598 was an application for rectification of the Will dated 20 March 1996 of the late Elizabeth Ann Luttrell, who died on 4 August 2022, with her husband, Tasman Percy Luttrell, dying 28 days…
The patient’s General Practitioner & Undue Influence
In Alexakis v Masters (No 2) [2023] NSWSC 509; Alexakis v Masters (No 3) [2023] NSWSC 694, a Sydney General Practitioner has denied allegations in the New South Wales Supreme Court that he pressured a patient into modifying his Will…